Estimated Labor: Add, Remove or Modify

The Labor (Estimates) section of the Work Order Costs page is initially populated with any estimated labor defined in a procedure associated with the work order. Work orders that include estimated labor are typically associated with a preventive maintenance schedule. Labor assignments that are manually entered for the work order are not reflected on the Cost Estimates page. They will, however, be reflected in the actual costs for the work order if you designate that they should be applied during the process of closing out the work order.

Options to add, remove or modify labor estimates are available from this page.

ClosedField Definitions

The following fields/columns are displayed for labor estimates:

  • Labor (Description): Description of the estimated labor. If the estimated labor is a craft, the craft will be listed. If the estimated labor is assigned to an individual, the individual’s name will be displayed.

  • Estimated Hours: Hours estimated for the assignment.

  • Cost: The total cost of the estimated labor, based on the rate defined for the labor resource or craft. Cost is calculated by multiplying estimated hours by the rate stored in the labor resource or craft record. The cost uses the regular hours rate.

  • Charge: The total charge for the estimated labor record, based on the charge rate defined for the individual or craft, or the labor rate subject to a designated markup.

    • If there is no markup or charge rate defined for the labor resource or craft, the charge will be the same as the cost.

    • If there is a markup defined for the labor resource or craft, the charge is calculated by determining total cost and applying the markup percent.

    • If there is a charge rate defined for the labor resource or craft, the charge is calculated by multiplying the total hours by the charge rate.

    • If there is both a charge rate and markup defined, the charge rate will be used.

    If this work order is being processed on behalf of a customer with defined charge or markup rates, the rate for that customer is used regardless of the selected labor resource.

ClosedAdd Estimated Labor

  1. Click Add.

    The Labor Module lookup opens. The Labor Module lookup is filtered to crafts by default.

  2. Use the filter and search controls to identify the items you want to add.

    The Type filter control in the upper-left allows you to filter for the type of labor record.

  3. Select Craft, Employee, or Contractor from the Type filter in the upper-left part of the window.

  4. Locate the labor record you want to add.

  5. Click the labor record you want to add.

    The Labor Estimates window opens.

  6. Enter the estimated hours and modify additional information as needed.

    Costs and charges are automatically calculated after entering the estimated hours, based on the rates stored for this labor resource.

    If this work order is being completed on behalf of a customer with defined charge or markup rates, the calculated charge rate reflects the rate for that customer, regardless of the selected labor resource.

    The cost and charge rate can be modified as needed. Changes made only affect this particular estimated labor record, and do not change the rate associated with the individual or craft.

  7. Choose between two options:

    • Click Apply.

      The Labor lookup appears with the estimated labor is listed in the My Selection(s) area.

    • Click Apply/Close.

      The Estimates page appears. Skip to Step 10.

  8. Continue selecting additional estimated labor as needed.

    To remove a record that has been added to the My Selection(s) area in error, click the blue arrow directly to the left of the row.

  9. Click Apply.

    The Labor Module lookup closes, and the new estimated labor is added to the Estimated Labor table.

  10. Click Save.

    If you add an individual employee or contractor as estimated labor, an assignment record for this individual is automatically made, with an assignment date corresponding to the work order target date. The assignment record is shown on the Assignments and Details pages.

    If you add a craft as estimated labor, no automatic assignment is made. However, in New Assignment mode, this craft is listed under estimated labor to support assignment of the correct individual.

ClosedModify Estimated Labor

  1. Click the row for the estimated labor you want to modify.

    The Labor Estimates window opens.

  2. Make your changes.

    If you modify estimated hours for an assigned employee or contractor, these changes are automatically reflected on the associated assignment and shown on the Details and Assignments pages. However, if a craft record is modified, only the estimated labor is modified. Actual assignments are not affected.

    The cost and charge rate can be modified as needed. Changes made only affect this particular estimated labor record, and do not change the rate associated with the individual or craft.

  3. Click Apply.

    The Estimates page appears.

  4. Click Save.

ClosedRemove Estimated Labor

  1. Click the check box to the left of the estimated labor you want to remove.

    A check mark appears, indicating the record has been selected.

  2. Repeat step 1 until you have selected all the estimated labor you want to remove.

  3. Click Remove.

    The estimated labor is removed.

  4. Click Save.

    If an assigned employee or contractor is removed, the associated assignment will be removed. This change is reflected on both the Assignments and Details pages.